Madrid Luxury Destination: An Initiative Led by the Gran Hotel Inglés
The Gran Hotel Ingles opened its doors today with more than 50 luxury stockholders, more than 20 cultural institutions and associations. All that, defines into the first committee of Luxury Tourism “Madrid Luxury Destination” created by Madrid Capital del Lujo to promote the community as an international destination that can compete against the great capital cities of Europe.
After the presentation in Madrid’s City Council of this new initiative facing institutions and companies that took place the 23 June, Madrid celebrated today its first tourism and cultural forum.
This committee has various ways of joint intervention in the different state, local and autonomous administrations to foment a greater institutional connectivity, a vision and joint direction of intervention.
From Madrid’s city council, the Cultural, Tourism and Sport delegate Andrea Levy has wanted to meet with the different agencies of the sector to listen and understand their needs, to give tools and facilitate that Madrid, will keep on growing in that direction. Levy has declared that Madrid will become at least in the next 5 years “place to be”, therefore that’s why we’ve been working on security, cleanliness and develop the great event that will make Madrid, a quality tourism destination, and a dynamic city to the people of Madrid.
In words of the president MCDL, Kevin de Ribes “The moment has come to truly compete, we are better prepared and with more to offer than other capital cities of Europe, now is time to believe it and put value to it. Madrid Luxury Destination has elaborated a 2-year plan with different international missions to position the capital and establish institutional and tourism links of greater quality
Sandra Andújar vice-president of Madrid Capital de Lujo added “Madrid is a city being in full effervescence that is knowing how to identify and put into value. This feeling of pride and belonging, moves the city and the regions motor. Work jointly in between sectors, share the “know how”, propose ideas for improving the capital will be a great tool for tracing a strategic plan that was created by the stockholders with collaboration with the administration to create a solid project, sustainable and a big claim and attractiveness for the tourism of quality.
The president of the autonomous community, Isabel Diaz Ayuso, had already remarked the necessity to create this entity and Madrid’s committee Madrid Luxury Destination created by MCDL.
The sector has shown appreciation in the first meeting in which have arisen interesting initiatives and petitions that have been collect it, so that they become in actions to position Madrid as one of the biggest luxury references.
The act has also had the support of the Elite Excellence – Spanish Luxury Association